5 ideas to apply when writing an essay

Today, students, I am going to give you the five best ideas I know that can help you turn any paper into a stellar one, quickly and easily. Writing does not have to take you all day, but it is good to leave a week to write any essay. In this lecture, I am going to tell you why.

Today, students, I am going to give you the five best ideas I know that can help you turn any paper into a stellar one, quickly and easily.

Writing does not have to take you all day, but it is good to leave a week to write any essay. In this lecture, I am going to tell you why.

  1. Any essay takes time.
  2. The reasons essays take time is not because you are going to spend every hour of every day writing. It’s because it is good to spread a little writing out over several days. Why? It’s because you are going to have days when the writing simply will not come. Or, you are going to have days when you are simply to tired from work to really give the writing your best effort. Instead of factoring in one day to write that might be an off day, factor in seven days to write an important essay for class—this will give you several days to rest or simply be unable to write, factored in with the days that the writing goes easier. Plus, it is easier to write when you do not have the anxiety of knowing that this writing is due tomorrow. Relaxed is best for a free flow of thought through the fingers on the keys.

  3. Any essay follows one specific structure.
  4. All papers flow from an introductory paragraph, into a thesis statement, and then outward, slowly, into your evidence paragraphs. These evidence paragraphs are where you prove your thesis. Even if this is not an argumentative piece of writing, you still have to provide evidence of whatever you are asserting—whatever your thesis is throughout every paragraph except the opening and closing ones.

  5. All essays need a great introductory paragraph.
  6. No writer wants their readers bored by the end of two sentences. When writing an intro, try to use the most interesting things about your topic to launch into your paper and get your reader really caring about your topic. Another trick is to use a quote. You can always use one of the more interesting tid bits of research you have collected on your topic. For example, in a paper on global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps, you could use a first sentence something like, “Recently, scientists report that if the world continues to be disintegrated at the rate that it is, polar bears will be extinct within the next 20 years.” Need help with essay? Hire an expert essay writer and get it written.

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    Components of a successful essay


Make it Sing.

Your closing paragraph is the last impression you will leave your reader. Therefore, you want to make sure that it is a really good impression. If you are short on writing closing ideas, try to bring your essay into the very now at the end of your paper, “Just yesterday, researchers found that...“ for example.

provide evidence

One of the things professors and teachers hate more than anything about modern technology is that students are not using it to its full capabilities when conducting research. For any high school to college essay, you want to make sure to use information you have gathered from very reliable sources—more respected journals and more respected magazines.


If you are going to use a source of the Internet, try to research its online reputation. See websites are not regulated and checked by experts like journals in the library databases are. For reliable research and the complete respect of your instructor, use library gathered resources.